Are Actuarial Exams Hard?

This is a difficult question because everyone has a different opinion about what “hard” is and different people find different things “hard”. To run around the block may be hard for Joe but easy for Amy. It all depends on you and your unique abilities.

What Happens if You Fail an Actuarial Exam?

Actuarial exams are tough.  So you're bound to fail some of them on your journey to becoming an actuary.  So, in this post I'm going to go into detail about what really happens when you fail an exam and how you can avoid having it happen again. So what happens if you...

Why You Should Find a Study Group

Most of you will already know what a study group is, but just in case you don't, it's a group of people that get together either in person or virtually (online) that are studying for the same test. As you can imagine, study groups are an excellent resource for people...

Here’s What to Expect on Exam Day

Exam day can feel slightly scary.  You're often already a bit nervous/anxious going into the day but having to go to a new place and figure out how everything works can just add more stress to your day, which you don't need right before you write your exam.  So to...

8 Time Saving Hacks to Fit in More Studying

Most people say you need 100 hours of studying per hour of exam.  So that means 300 hours of studying for P and FM.  Crazy eh? (Check out why I actually plan out 400 hours for students I coach in my Study Strategy Program) I'm sure that fitting in 300+ hours of study...

300 Hours…Really?!?!

I'm sure you've heard..."you gotta study about 100 hours per hour of exam", so if you're writing Exam FM or P, that's 250-300 hours! And when you heard that, were you like.. "ummmmmmmmmm not possible"? I was! I can't be the only one that felt like that's a crazy...

Which Study Manual is Right for You?

If you're just writing your first actuarial exam, it can be difficult to know which study manual you should use.  I'm here to help you figure it out!  I'm not going to tell you exactly which one to use, I'm just going to let you know the process that you should go to...

How Long Does it Take to Become an Actuary?

How long does it take to become an actuary? It’s probably one of the first questions you had when you heard of the career path.

For most people, it takes between 7 and 10 years to become a fully qualified actuary. Aspiring actuaries in Canada and the U.S. typically spend between 3 and 5 years getting a bachelor’s degree and about 7-8 years passing all ten actuarial exams. Actuarial exams can be written before a bachelor’s degree is completed so there’s usually some overlap in these two time frames.

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