How much programming do actuaries do?
If you’re thinking about becoming an actuary, you’re probably wondering how much of your job will be programming. Or maybe you’re wondering if you really need to know how to do it in order to be a competitive candidate. For many actuarial positions, programming will...
7 Tips to Get an Actuarial Job
Do you want to increase your chances of getting an actuarial job? It's not really as easy as you may think to get a job. You can't just pass a few exams and suddenly have 2-3 easy job prospects. So in this post (and corresponding video above), I'm going to...
Should I take actuarial exams while in college?
Writing your first actuarial exam while you’re still in college can seem like a bit of a daunting task. But, it’s actually very common and recommended. Most students that decide to be an actuary while they’re in school aim to have at least 2 exams passed before they...
How many actuarial exams are there?
If you’re considering becoming an actuary, you probably want to know how many actuarial exams you’re going to need to pass in order to be fully qualified.
To become an actuary in the U.S. or Canada, you need to pass 7 or 10 exams depending on the designation you pursue. FCAS and FSA designations require that you pass 10 exams and the CERA designation requires you pass 7 exams.
What does this mean exactly?
10 Best Free Sources for Exam P Practice Problems
If you’re looking for free Exam P practice problems, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve compiled this list of 10 sources that I’ve used to help members of my Actuary Accelerator Community pass their exam. 1. Exam P Daily Questions Facebook Group (Go)2. TIA sample...
How to Add Actuarial Exams to Your Resume (With Examples)
If you're looking for your first actuarial internship or job, you're definitely going to want to make sure employers see that you've passed an actuarial exam or two. That'll really boost your chances of getting the position. But actuarial exams aren't something you've...
Study Materials You Need for Your First FSA Exam
Are you writing your first FSA exam, but not sure which study materials you really need? I passed my first FSA exam about 1.5 years ago now, so in this post I'm going to outline exactly what I used to pass and how it helped me. I wrote the Life Pricing exam (Life and...
One Powerful Habit of Highly Effective Actuarial Students
Have you ever read the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey? Here it is on Amazon if you haven't. In one section of the book, the author talks about how animals, by nature, really only react to changes in their environment. They don't have the...
3 Simple Ways to Increase Your ADAPT Earned Level
Struggling to increase your ADAPT earned level? Or just want to increase it as quickly as possible​? Well you're in the right place! In this post, I'll be explaining the 3 simple techniques that Erin and I implemented in her Exam P study strategy so that she could...
Becoming an Actuary at 30, 40 or 50
If you’re thinking about becoming an actuary in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, you might be wondering if you’ve missed your opportunity. Are you too old? Is it too late?
The good news is that you’re definitely not too old nor too late. Lots of people have done this before and managed to successfully switch to the actuarial career.