The First Thing Employers Look At

At the very top of every good actuarial resume is a listing of all exams passed and the next exam being written. So exams passed are literally the first thing employers learn about you. Yes, I know that technically your name and contact info is at the top of your...

Why so many people fail actuarial exams

Have you ever wondered how it’s possible for so many smart people to fail a single exam.  Can it really be that hard? My answer is no.  It’s not so hard that anywhere from 55% – 60% of everyone writing should be failing. It’s crazy. So hear me...

5 Critical Elements of a Study Strategy

Having a study strategy in place is one of the key factors to ensuring exam success. Actually, I believe that if all the right elements are in place and implemented properly, exam success is almost guaranteed. When most students think of an exam study strategy though,...