Top Actuarial Candidates MUST Know Excel
FACT: 73% of entry-level actuarial job posts have Microsoft Excel as a required or preferred program for any applicant to know.
Do your Excel skills meet their expectations?
Here’s What’s Included
In the Excel Master Course, You Get:
10 Excel Training Sessions; Beginner to Advanced
2 VBA Programming Training Sessions; Beginner
6 Actuarial Excel Projects and Solutions
Sample Excel Employer Test
How to Add Excel Projects to Your Actuarial Resume
Learn Excel from an Actuarial Perspective
Quickest Way to Learn Excel and VBA for Actuarial Jobs
Excel Master Course
1 Year Access- 10 Excel Training Sessions; Beginner to Advanced
- 2 VBA Programming Training Sessions; Beginner
- 6 Actuarial Excel Projects and Solutions
- Sample Excel Employer Test
- How to Add Excel Projects to Your Actuarial Resume
- Learn Excel from an Actuarial Perspective
Course Requirements
No prior knowledge of Excel is necessary.
 Excel license required (you can use Google Sheets for the Excel portion, and Microsoft offers a 30 day free trial of Excel that you can use for the VBA portion).
 You can complete the course at your own pace.
 Mac and PC instructions are provided.