If you’re writing Exam P soon but haven’t taken any calculus courses in a while, you’re probably best off reviewing it before you even purchase your study materials.
You’re going to need to know advanced calculus concepts, including multivariate integration. In college, this is taught in Calculus III which is typically a 2nd or 3rd year course.
So, if you need to learn/recall all the calculus that you’ll need for Exam P, here are the top 3 free resources to do that. They’re order from most in-depth to least in-depth.
- Skill Share
- Khan Academy
- ACTEX Manual Section 0
Below, I’ve provided links to each resource and some further details.
Skill Share
Skill Share is an online course website that allows teachers to create their own video courses. This source is, by far, the most detailed and well structured review you’ll get. There are several calculus courses here, but I recommend the Calculus I, II, and III by “Math Fortress”.
Those 3 courses go into tons of detail about everything calculus related that you’ll need to understand for Exam P. They total about 13 hours of content.
You can get these courses for free for one week by signing up for the Premium access. You do have to sign up for monthly recurring payments but they won’t start until one week later (your first week is free), so you can easily just cancel your account before a payment ever comes out.
Khan Academy
Just like Skill Share above, Khan Academy is a really detailed video resource too. It’s 100% free all the time and very simple to access.
This resource is great, the only problem is that each tiny topic has its own video, so I personally find it hard to figure out which order you should watch videos in.
For your reference:
Calculus 1 is labelled ‘differential calculus’ on Khan Academy.
Calculus 2 is labelled ‘integral calculus’.
Calculus 3 is labelled ‘multivariate calculus’.
ACTEX Manual Section 0
ACTEX provides the first chapter of their Exam P study manual as a sample. Luckily, this is the review section so you can go here for a very quick overview of calculus.
This resource is best for someone that just needs a little refresher. It also provides some review on algebra too, which is helpful.
The calculus review begins on page 9 with “GRAPHING AN INEQUALITY IN TWO DIMENSIONS”.
Final Note
So, that concludes all the resources that I know of right now where you can get a full Exam P calculus review. If I find others, I’ll update this page.
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