Excel Beginner Workshop
Next session with Brea will be held Saturday, Feb 29th @ 12pm (noon) ET
Do you know how to use Excel?
If not, you’re invited to join my next Excel workshop for beginners!
Excel is a very important skill to know as an entry-level actuary, so the more exposure you can get, the better.
In all my actuarial positions, I used Excel on a daily basis. And almost every actuarial job posting wants a candidate that knows how to use it.
So, if you’re going to be looking for an actuarial job or internships within the next year, it’s best to start learning now!
When will the workshop be held?
This beginners’ Excel Workshop is held online so you can join no matter what state or country you’re in. It is very interactive and there are only 12 spots available.
It’s going to be held on Saturday, Feb 29th at 12pm (noon) ET.
What you’ll learn
This workshop is for complete beginners to Excel. We’re going to be creating a simple premium calculation tool so that you’re learning Excel in a way that could be used in an actuarial position.
Some of the Excel functions and abilities that will be used during the training are:
- How to create random numbers
- How to create easily understood tables with bolded text, outlined cells and color formatting.
- How to input functions into Excel and we’ll run through some of the basic ones like sum, subtraction, product, average, etc.
- Throughout the creation of the tool, we’ll use some more advanced functions like sumproduct function and vlookup function.
- How to create a drop down box.
- How to use conditional formatting.
- How the session will be set up
You’ll be able to follow along live with me, and follow exactly what I do. I’ll be explaining each step as we go and you’ll have lots of opportunity to ask questions along the way.
We’ll be using Google Sheets for this training session, which is VERY similar to Excel. The added benefit of using Google Sheets is that I’ll be able to go directly into your workbook (live during the session) and help you trouble shoot any problems that you’re running into along the way.
This will be very interactive!! The session will last about 1.5 hours depending on questions. If time allows at the end, I will answer any further questions that participants have or I’ll teach you more about the capabilities that Excel has. (Note – I LOVE Excel, so I could literally talk about it all day!!)
How is this different than a regular Excel course?
Most Excel courses just throw a recorded video at you, and leave you to your own devices. If you can’t figure something out or have additional questions, no one is there to answer them.
By joining a live Excel workshop, you’ll be able to ask any question you have on-the-spot and get an immediate answer. If something isn’t working for you, I’ll be able to troubleshoot for you (directly in your own Excel workbook) during the session.
After the session, you’ll have a recording of the session so that you can practice what you’ve learned over and over again. In addition, you’ll be able to email me with further questions and troubleshooting issues for 30 days after the session.
That’s why learning Excel live in a small group is way better than purchasing a course.
How to join this workshop
Since this will be such an interactive session, there are only be 12 spots available. Once they’re all taken, they’re gone for good!
Each spot is $99. All you have to do to save your spot is fill out the form below and I’ll send you an invoice to pay for the session. Once I send you the invoice and you pay, your spot will be saved!