Career Development, Getting Started
Not sure what an actuary does? Well, you’re in the right place! An actuary is a career professional that specializes in risk quantification. This means that they’re able to foresee the timing and financial impact of random events that may occur in...
Career Development, Finding A Job, Getting Started
Actuarial exams aren’t the only thing that employers look at when they’re considering hiring a new entry-level actuary. Excel skills are important too! If you want to be successful on the job, you will need to know how to use Excel functions such as if-then...
Actuarial Exams, Career Development, Getting Started
Becoming an actuary isn’t something that can be done quickly. There are 5 requirements that need to be met, and it takes years of hard work and dedication to do so. So, what are the requirements to be an actuary? Get a Bachelor’s degree. Pass 10 actuarial...
Career Development, Education, Finding A Job, Getting Started
If you’re serious about getting an actuarial job, you may be considering grad school as a way to make yourself more competitive in the job market. Will getting your Master’s help in landing a job as an actuary? It’s unlikely that getting a Master’s degree in...
Finding A Job, Getting Started
If you’re considering a career path as an actuary, you’ve probably wondered how difficult it’s going to be to get a job. So, is it hard to get an entry-level actuarial job? The entry-level actuarial job market in Canada and the U.S. is fairly competitive right...