Career Development, Education, Getting Started
Do you really need to know a programming language to become a top candidate? Here’s the thing. It’s totally possible to get hired without ever learning a programming language, but that will make your actuarial journey way harder than it has to be! That’s...
Actuarial Exams, Education, Getting Started
I always get tons of questions about which schools have the best actuarial science programs. Well, I’ve got some long overdue answers for you! The thing is, you don’t need to get an actuarial science degree to become an actuary. In fact, it’s not necessarily...
Career Development, Finding A Job, Getting Started
If you were making mistakes that could hinder your growth in the actuarial career, you would want to know, right? As it turns out, there are five common mistakes that keep aspiring actuaries from achieving their dreams. You’re probably doing at least one thing...
Actuarial Exams, Getting Started
If you’re thinking about writing an actuary exam soon, you’re probably curious about how much it’ll cost to take the exams. How much do actuary exams cost? The first 2 exams are $260 USD as of 2025. Costs gradually increase to $1,275 USD as the exams get more...