How to Increase Stamina and Focus on Exam Day

  If you’ve been concerned about your ability to stay focused for 3 hours while you’re writing actuarial Exam P or FM, you’re not alone.  It’s actually really difficult to sit down, doing complex mathematics, for such a long period.  So,...

When to Start Writing Actuarial Exams

As you already know, writing actuarial exams is one of the biggest pieces to becoming an actuary. But, when’s the best time to write your first one? You should start thinking about writing your first actuarial exam in your second year of college/university. By this...

What ADAPT level are Exam P and FM?

If you’ve been working away on ADAPT exams, you’re probably wondering what level of exams you need to get up to in order to pass. Most people agree that the real exam is usually around a level 4-5 for Exam P and FM. But, that doesn’t mean that you should stop when you...